education, qualifications
2014 lecture in photo journalism/photo documentary, University of Applied Sciences and Arts,
2013 lecture in photography, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Hildesheim
1996 -1997 lecturer for photography, Schule für Gestaltung, Ravensburg
1995 diploma, photo design/journalism, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dortmund
1991 -1995 University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Dortmund
1987 -1990 staff photographer, “Schwäbische Zeitung“, Leutkirch
1985 -1987 editorial training at the daily newspaper “Schwäbische Zeitung“, Leutkirch
1984 high school graduation
exhibitions, awards & programs
2019 ITB Book Awards, Illustrated travel books, Iran – Tausend und ein Widerspruch 2018 5th Biennial of Fine Art & Documentary Photography, Barcelona 2018 Athens Photo Festival, shortlist 2017 Face to Faith – Mount Kailash – Tibet, Galerie im Kornhaus, Leutkirch, single exhibition 2017 Prix Pictet, nomination
2017 Deutscher Fotobuchpreis, Face to Faith – Mount Kailash, award
2017 Art Directors Club, Face to Faith – Mount Kailash, award
2016 Wintersalon, group show, Gallery DEAR Photography, Hamburg
2012 VG-Bild-Kunst Project Grant: Face to Faith – Mont Kailash – Tibet
2012 European Architectural Photoprize, Best of, Deutsches Architekturmuseum Frankfurt
2010 Klubfoto, Unterwegs, group show, Hamburg
2004 Klubfoto, Privat, Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg, 3. Europäischer Monat der
Fotografie, Uferhallen Berlin, group show
2007 Klubfoto, Berühmt, group show, Martin-Gropius Bau, Berlin
2006 Klubfoto, Berühmt, group show, Gruner+Jahr Pressehaus, Hamburg
2006 1. Daegu Photobiennale, South Korea, European Visions on Asia, group show, Daegu
2005 Kunsthaus Hamburg, group show, auction
2005 Born in the Sixties, Otaku, groupshow, C/O Berlin – The Cultural Forum for Photography
2005 Tokyo, Palais für aktuelle Kunst, Glückstadt
2004 Tokyo/Shanghai, group show, Palazzo Ducale, Genova
2004 Klubfoto, Nachts, PPS Galerie, Hamburg
2003 Sumosamba, Shiawase Gallery, Hamburg
2003 Klubfoto, Klischee, Hamburg,
1998 Art Directors Club, ADC Silver Award, C‘est si Bonn, photo essay, Econy
1998 onetwotokyo, group show with Enno Kapitza, Internationale Fototage Herten
1998 "Tokyo Today"- European Photographer’s view on Tokyo, curated by Robert Delpire, Paris
group shows at: Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Tokyo, European Cultural Capitals
1997 World Press Photo Masterclass: Neighbours, reportage: Post War Mostar, group show,
Fotoinstitut Rotterdam
1995 European Architectural Photography Prize, Le Corbusier, Couvent Sainte Marie de La
1994 DAAD Examination Grant
1993 Das Tollhaus an der Wolga, Fotografie Forum Frankfurt
1993 Das Tollhaus an der Wolga, XXVemes Recontres de la Photographié Arles
1993 German Photoprize, Das Tollhaus an der Wolga, HM
books & publications
2017 Iran – Tausend und ein Widerspruch, National Geographic Book Edition
2017 The Other Hundred, Educators, 3. Edition, Global Institute For Tomorrow
2016 Face to Faith – Mount Kailash – Tibet, Hatje Cantz
2014 Siegfried Unseld – Sein Leben in Bildern und Texten, editors: Raimund Fellinger, Matthias
Reiner, Suhrkamp Verlag
2013 Arbeit, editor: Stefan Pielow, Becker Joest Volk Verlag
2013 The Other Hundred, 1. Edition, Global Institute For Tomorrow
2007 New York – A Photographer‘s City, Rizzoli, New York
2007 India Now New Visions in Photography, Thames & Hudson, editor: Alain Willaume
2006 Daegu Photobiennale Korea, catalogue
2005 Wangenrot, catalogue/auction, Kunsthaus Hamburg
2004 Architecture & Arts, "1900-2004 A Century of creative projects in building,design, cinema, painting, sculpture", Genova Palazzo Ducale, catalogue, Skira Verlag
2004 Perspectives, editor: Gerd Bulthaup, Hoffmann und Campe
2002 It’s all over now - Musik einer Generation, editor: Konrad Heidkamp, Fest Verlag
2002 50 Jahre Shell Jugendstudie, catalogue, Ullstein Verlag
1996 Tokyo Today, catalogue/exhibition, EU Japan Fest, editor: Robert Delpire, Ideodis Creation 1995 Ansichten – Standpunkte zur Architekturfotografie, editor: D. Leistner, H. Schmidt Verlag
ADAC Reisemagazin, AFAR Travel Magazine, Afisha Mir, Allegra, Amica, Annabelle, Barbara, Barfout, Beef, Best Life, Bilanz, BMW Magazin, brand eins, Business Punk Magazin, Capital, Chrismon, Condé Nast Traveller Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Das Magazin, DB Mobil, Der Spiegel, Donna la Repubblica, Die Zeit, Dogs, Du, Econy, Elle, Elle Decors, Emotion, Essen&Trinken, FAZ, Fit For Fun, Focus, Frankfurter Rundschau Magazin, Geo, Geo Wissen, Geo Spezial, Gesund Leben, Greenpeace Magazin, Hamburg Magazin, Handelsblatt, Häuser, HOME, Jetzt, Kultur Spiegel, Lamborghini Magazin, Lufthansa Exclusive, Lufthansa Magazin, Madame, Manager Magazin, Mare, Marie Claire, Max, Maxi, Maxim, Mercedes Benz Classic Magazine, Merian, Migros Magazin, Mini International, Monocle Magazine, Neon, New York Times Magazine, Nido, Nikon Magazin, NZZ, P.M. Magazin, Qvest, Rolling Stone, The Rotarian Magazine, Spectator-Japan, Stern, Sunday Times Magazine, Spiegel Online, Spiegel Reporter, SZ-Magazin, Toyota Magazin, Ubuntu, Volkswagen Magazin, View, Weltwoche, Welt am Sonntag, Woman, Zeit Magazin
Bayern LB, Bilfinger & Berger, Büro Hamburg, China Tours, Cinemaxx, Claim, Communication 3000, DEPT AGENCY, Deutsche Telekom, Enerparc, EON, FischerAppelt Kommunikation, FKK Fashion, FRANKONIA Eurobau, Gerling, G+J Corporate Editors, GTZ, Hamburg Marketing, Hamburger Tafel, Harry Brot, HSV, Hypo Vereinsbank, Ketchum Pleon, Lamborghini, Leica, Looping Group, Marco Polo, McDonald’s, Medico International, Meiré und Meiré, Meyer Werft, Migros, Mobilkom Austria, Mutabor, Nikon, Ogilvy&Mather, Osram, Saatchi&Saatchi, SAP, Schmitz-Komm., Scholz&Friends, Siemens, Sony Music, Territory – Content to Results, Sparkasse, Steigenberger, superReal, Top Hill Retreats, UBS, Vaillant, Villeroy&Boch, Wave Music, Wempe
© Philipp Meuser
Samuel Zuder
Detlev-Bremer-St. 41
D-20359 Hamburg
mobile +49 171 533 17 91
laif - Agentur für Photos & Reportagen
Merowingerstrasse 5-7
D-50677 Köln Germany
phone: +49 221 272 26-0
fax: +49 221 272 226
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